How Much Is Flight Insurance?

How Different Is Flight Insurance From Travel Insurance?

air care

AirCare® from Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection is a flight-only plan that provides inconvenience payments for flight disruptions. AirCare is not a traditional, comprehensive travel insurance plan that covers trip cancellation, interruption and medical emergencies.

ExactCare Extra product icon

ExactCare Extra® is priced at around 8%-10% of your total insured trip cost, which is standard for traditional, comprehensive travel insurance. It also includes a suite of fixed benefits not found in other conventional travel-insurance products, yet still priced competitively.

There are multiple reasons for these differences.

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International Flights Have More ‘Segments’

AirCare (and the flight portion of ExtraCare Extra) are priced in part on the number of “flight segments” that you’re covering.

A flight segment is simply a flight that has a flight number. It can be a nonstop or have multiple stops.

To get from Tulsa to Sicily, you might have to fly from Tulsa to Dallas, Dallas to New York, New York to Rome, and Rome to Sicily. That’s four flight segments – and something could go wrong on each one.

AirCare covers up to 10 flight segments per trip. If you have more flight segments, simply buy a second (or third) AirCare plan.

Things Are More Likely To Happen On Some Multi-Segment Flights

Not every destination that has an airport has reliable air service. And if you’re selling a plan that covers travel to a place with unreliable air service, the insurance company needs to charge more to protect their risk.

It only makes sense to charge more under those circumstances.

Weather Can Be More Extreme In Other Parts Of The World

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We actually have it sort of easy in the United States, weather-wise. We get the occasional hurricane or blizzard, but no typhoons and few volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, or tsunamis.

Because weather extremes can play havoc with flights – especially long international flights – it makes sense to charge more for that added risk.

travel guide

The Value of Flight Insurance

The cost of flight insurance can be minimal, but its value can be great.

If you miss a connection or your flight is cancelled, it’s reassuring to get paid quickly for your inconvenience and get help making alternate arrangements.

Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection has flight insurance options that provide value, assistance, and peace of mind.